What We Offer

Free Consultations

Contact us for a free, 15-minute consultation. Talking with an experienced, Certified Dyslexia Specialist can help you think through your concerns about your child’s learning struggles. We can discuss your child’s specific challenges and help you better understand the possible solutions. Consultations are conducted via phone or Zoom.

Free Learning Disability Screeners

If you are concerned that your child may have a learning disability, you are not alone.  Approximately 20% of people are affected by dyslexia, according to the International Dyslexia Association.  Additionally, almost 80% of kids who are categorized with learning disabilities in the United States fall somewhere on the dyslexia spectrum.  

To help parents identify if their child is at risk for a learning disability, we provide free online screening for dyslexia and other learning disabilities.  We offer 2 testing options: 

The Dyslexia Screener: Your child or student will read real and non-words as you indicate if the correct response was given.  This test takes 5-10 minutes to complete.  The results will be available to you shortly after test completion.

Learning Disability Questionnaire: This free assessment will test if your child is likely to have a learning disability. It covers six key areas: Reading, Spelling & Writing, Math & Logic, Emotion & Self-Control, Listening, and Attention. 

Use one of our screeners by clicking on the appropriate blue box below. You will be taken to our partner site to complete the screeners. Request a free consultation to discuss the results and learn about the next steps to take.

Pre-Reader Program

We offer literacy therapy for pre-readers, approximately 4 to 6 years old, using a dedicated platform and curriculum that is designed to help students develop a stronger oral language foundation. Once a strong oral language foundation is built, a child is ready to begin practicing skills geared towards reading and writing. This prereader path provides the ideal opportunity to bolster a child’s future success with reading and writing.

Pre-literacy exercises and tasks focus on oral language and interaction, requiring no word reading and no spelling. The program boasts 45 min. weekly instruction and 4 days of practice for student and guardian-led activities, supported by our online platform. This focus on oral language in-session with a therapist and via weekly practice promotes interaction, conversational reading (reading a book with the support of an adult to help discuss content) and interactive game play (requiring the child to take turns and follow instructions). With this systematic and structured home-based opportunity for high frequency practice, pre-reader students now have the chance to develop early essential components of literacy.

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Online Orton-Gillingham Therapy

We offer private, professional therapy services to students who struggle with reading and writing. Before beginning therapy, we conduct an assessment to determine a student’s needs in reading, spelling, and writing. A customized intervention plan is developed.

Therapists meet with their students virtually, once a week, for 45 minutes of direct instruction. Our Orton-Gillingham Structured Literacy curriculum and the platform we use gives students the opportunity to practice and reinforce concepts introduced in weekly sessions. Student practice is structured like games, giving point recognition for accuracy. Additionally, 3-4 days of parent-led practice (15 min) per week, allows for pen-to-paper activities like spelling and writing, furthering mastery of each respective concept.

Our platform not only provides for high frequency practice for parents and students, it also allows for effective management and customization to meet each child’s needs. Our literacy therapists select the appropriate level to begin the curriculum based on the assessment results. Therapists individualize each aspect of the curriculum: teaching objectives, activities, word banks, parent-led activities, etc. and how frequently they’ll be revisited throughout the week.

Skilled Writer

Many students struggle with writing but this skill can be especially difficult for students with learning differences. This program builds upon your child’s current writing skills and provides instruction and strategies to help them become an effective writer. Aspects of the program may include the following: basic mechanics and conventions of writing (handwriting, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and sentence structure), content aspects for conveying meaning (vocabulary, details, and organization of ideas), and planning and revision.

Structured Mathematics

We approach math instruction in much the same way as we do reading instruction, by breaking down complex concepts into manageable parts. These sub-skills are taught systematically, from simple to more complex using various materials that help students learn from different viewpoints and modalities. We identify a student’s specific area of need through an assessment and develop a customized, student-centered learning plan. We differentiate instruction to take into account each learner’s level of interest, readiness, and learning profile. Our instructors are licensed math teachers who specialize in working with students who have learning disabilities or who are otherwise behind in math. We provide private virtual lessons that are delivered weekly. Students complete independent practice to reinforce concepts taught in the lessons. Our program is best suited for students needing help with Grade K-6 math content.


When families, schools, and communities partner together, students benefit. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to navigate the educational system and to know how to best work with district and school personnel. Often, parents of students with disabilities face additional challenges. 

We help parents understand available services, interpret test results, and provide support through the special education process.