Language at the Speed of Sight

Early intervention leads to success and a new year means new goals. It’s a great time of year to reassess needs for the remainder of the school year to ensure academic success. A child’s first three years of schooling are a critical time to learn the foundational literacy skills needed to tackle a more advanced curriculum in the years to come; yet statistics show that many students entering fourth grade struggle with reading, echoing the same urgency as the words of Mark Seidenburg (pictured above).
The National Center for Education Statistics reports 65% of fourth graders read at or below the basic level. As curriculum advances with each new year, these children will fall behind. When children have a strong foundation of literacy-learning, they are able to stay on track to meet grade level expectations, gain confidence, enjoy their academic environment, remain in school, graduate and gain additional education and training to successfully transition into adulthood.
If you have concerns about your child’s learning, we are happy to speak with you. Our consults are free and we aim to answer questions you may have, provide you with useful information, and help you come up with next steps to take to help your child.